Become A Process Hero:
Hear How From Our Customers

Webinar Recording Featuring FlowForma Customers:
Dustin Ray, McKinley Irvin, James Morgan, The A14 IDT and Treasa Cunneen, GOAL



Webinar Recording: ''Become A Process Hero - Hear How From Our Customers''

Please note this webinar took place on May 16th 2019. 

Following the success of our recent eBook 'Six Ways To Automate Processes and Accelerate Digital Transformation' we were delighted to host a webinar on this topic.

Organizations and businesses from every sector have inspiring stories to tell about FlowForma Process Automation - a tool that enables them to become process heroes!

In this exclusive webinar you will hear stories from a panel of inspiring process heroes (real-world FlowForma customers), as to how they cut down on paper trails, increased visibility and empowered mobility with our no-code process automation tool.

Learn what digital transformation really means to them, on the ground, here-and-now, in the cut-and-thrust of busy working days.

Webinar Panel:

FlowForma Webinar Customer Panel 16.05.2019 Panel (1)


Access the Recording

Some Webinar Highlights:

  • Find out how one of the largest divorce and family law firms in the US Northwest, McKinley Irvin, are empowering process owners to drive process efficiency with zero coding.

  • Hear how the the largest road construction project in the UK, addressed construction site challenges and put the A14 Integrated Delivery Team on the road to process improvements and better governance.

  • Learn how international humanitarian aid agency, GOAL, have transformed processes for their remote aid workers.