Microsoft InfoPath discontinued

Discover FlowForma's InfoPath Migration Tool - Replace Infopath With FlowForma

The Challenge

With Microsoft InfoPath discontinued, the company will cease support for it in 2026, but a greater concern may be that InfoPath does not support modern end-user access points, like mobile devices, and does not offer features that maximize the benefits of modern technology. Therefore, technical solutions built on InfoPath are inferior to those built on modern platforms and InfoPath alternatives, like FlowForma, can offer more sustainable solutions.

InfoPath Alternatives: The FlowForma Approach 

Dedicated to making the complex simple, FlowForma Process Automation recommends using our no-code designer, which allows you to build replacement forms in a fraction of the original time. It requires no IT resources and has built-in form features that produce a better end-user experience.  

For large-scale replacements involving many InfoPath forms, FlowForma Process Automation offers a tool that can accelerate InfoPath form replacement.

The tool accepts an InfoPath form template as input, interprets the template and automatically maps sections and fields onto steps and questions. Users can adjust the mapping to accurately replicate the form function.

The tool generates a FlowForma template for import into any FlowForma environment.

Finishing touches to the converted form can be applied in FlowForma using our no-code designer.

With our migration tool, you won't have to worry about Microsoft's discontinuation of InfoPath.

See how fast, simple and intuitive migration can be in the video below:

Video: Migrating from InfoPath to FlowForma is a Piece of Cake!

Key Benefits of FlowForma vs InfoPath

  • Allows secure access to forms from anywhere using your web browser
  • Stores information centrally and securely in SharePoint
  • Efficient workflow management tools, with no need for external workflow
  • Provides no-code process automation, without any assistance from IT 
  • Builds forms accessible on desktop and mobile devices
  • Generates documents with ease, including all your form data

Example of InfoPath Migration

Eurofound InfoPath Migration

Eurofound is an EU agency which focuses on managing research, gathering information, and communicating its findings. In addition to the need to comply with new regulatory requirements, Eurofound faced problems with its electronic forms application. The Microsoft InfoPath® software they used was not only being discontinued, but its limited features also failed to deliver the desired workflow functionality for the agency.

Eurofound used the FlowForma InfoPath migration tool and completely replaced its electronic forms with FlowForma Process Automation. The results were immediate and greater than Eurofound ever imagined.

David Prithard, Systems Analyst at Eurofound commented: "We rebuilt a process in around a week, as opposed to the month we would have needed with the old application – that’s a 75% efficiency improvement – and we’ve ended up with something much better than what we had before."

Contact our team today to see how fast and simple InfoPath migration can be with the right partner. Our team will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have about your migration. 


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What Our Customers Say About InfoPath Migration

''Anyone who ever spent any time struggling against some of the brick walls which InfoPath throws up will love FlowForma Process Automation.

It solves most of the problems and adds so much more. We're using it in an increasing number of areas across our organization where custom development either cannot be justified or is simply less expedient.''

Mark Greenwood, Senior Web Developer, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust