FlowForma® Process Automation helps I.T. departments become more efficient in their everyday processes with its I.T. process automation tool. Rolling out this self-service process management cross-company, empowers process owners.
The FlowForma Process Automation platform can address your standard everyday I.T. processes. Browse common I.T. challenges below to discover how these can be solved using FlowForma incident management automation tools.
Process Challenge 1: Support Issues
Allowing end users to raise support tickets to an I.T. department is a must. FlowForma Process Automation allows I.T. departments to define a Call Logging process that works for their organization.
Process Challenge 2: Tracking Software
A common problem for I.T. departments in organizations with multiple types of devices and software etc., is keeping track of who has what. Being able to keep track of how many license keys or devices are essential to a growing organization, this can easily be tracked with FlowForma Process Automation.
Process Challenge 3: Centralized and Integrated Systems
FlowForma Process Automation sits on top of Microsoft® SharePoint®. This means FlowForma Process Automation is by default integrated into an organizations active directory to access any data or documents available on SharePoint.
Process Challenge 4: Enabling Self-Service Process Management
FlowForma Process Automation is designed to be used by the least technical users. The majority of users, watch our how to videos and self-learn. This works well as they are the ones who know their processes best, enabling the end user to take ownership of their process and relieve any dependency on the I.T. department.
Process Challenge 5: Project Approval
Nearly all I.T. departments have Boards that meet once a quarter to approve projects etc. Using FlowForma Decision, boards can score projects using a prioritization matrix before having a meeting, the projects that score over a certain mark can be added to the meeting agenda. FlowForma Process automation also gives full visibility of all projects and an audit history of how each project proposal scored.
"Workflow management used to be a nightmare. Now it’s completely seamless with one integrated product FlowForma Process Automation."
- Mark Graham, ICT Director, Beaumont Hospital