Powerful Process Collaboration

Microsoft Teams continues to grow in popularity at a rapid pace. It has become an important resource for businesses to host online meetings and communicate instantly with personnel, both internally and externally.

Imagine the power at your fingertips by taking your favorite communications tool, Microsoft Teams, and integrating it with an award-winning process digitization tool.

Sounds good doesn't it? Book your demo of our easy-to-use workflow software for Microsoft Teams.

 Book a demo


FlowForma App - Workflow Software For Microsoft Teams - Teams Logo


Use Case Examples

  • Document drafting, approval and issuing – collaborate in Teams and link work to business processes
  • Group assessment and decision making – review your group work and make individual assessments leading to group decisions
  • Work management – distribute and execute work across your team
  • Focus on tasks that lead to meaningful business outcomes – focus team members on processes that lead to the achievement of business goals

Discover FlowForma's Workflow Software for Microsoft Teams

FlowForma's Workflow Software for Microsoft Teams is an easy-to-use app that empowers users to instantly access processes awaiting their input..

FlowForma Connectors also enable users to collaborate on a document in Microsoft Teams and then link that document back to a step in a process. For example, a user could create a Teams channel and work collaboratively as a team on a draft document. The process owner can then link the document to FlowForma Process Automation and process it through a set of revisions, to later convert into a final draft for approval and general release.

FlowForma Process Automation tracks your progress on processes automatically. Meaning that while you use Teams to collaborate, and FlowForma Process Automation to link your efforts to business processes, the business can easily see how effective/productive remote collaboration is in relation to the achievement of the overall business goals. This is vital as businesses look to implement new ways of working, embracing change and adapting to the β€˜new normal’.

Teams Webinar Recording

FlowForma Process Automation App - Workflow Software For Microsoft Teams - Homepage


FlowForma Process Automation App - Workflow Software For Microsoft Teams - Onboarding Process


FlowForma Process Automation App For Microsoft Teams - Form List


FlowForma App - Workflow Software For Microsoft Teams - Benefits

The Benefits

βœ“ Instant access via Teams to a dashboard displaying the tasks you need to complete

βœ“ Get notified as steps in your processes get completed or warnings when tasks are delayed 

βœ“ Make decisions collectively as a team by submitting individual scores on a task/challenge/issue to then review during a Teams meeting

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Finance Planning

  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security

Finance Planning

  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security

Finance Planning

  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security

Finance Planning

  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security

Finance Planning

  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security
  • Budgeting and saving for future financial security

Offering An Easy Way To Collaborate With Co-Workers

Paul Stone portrait - Explaining The FlowForma App - Workflow Software For Microsoft Teams

Paul Stone

Product Strategist, FlowForma

"As Microsoft Teams continues to grow in popularity enabling collaboration among work teams, FlowForma users will now have full visibility of tasks through our workflow software for Microsoft Teams.

With the app, our users can now view tasks that they are required to complete whilst also receiving notifications if a task is delayed, ensuring productivity and transparency for the entire team. They can also make meetings more productive with collective decision making and collaborative processes."