Digital Process Automation Blog

Accomplishing IP Success - An Ergo & FlowForma View

Written by Paul Stone, Product Evangelist | 5/18/16 3:58 PM

FlowForma and Ergo were recently invited to present at a Microsoft hosted IP Acceleration Workshop attended by Microsoft UK Partners, wanting to differentiate themselves by building their own IP.

We were asked to present our IP story, which started in 2012 when Ergo saw an opportunity for a business process management tool sitting on the SharePoint platform (soon to be called FlowForma) - to today where FlowForma is a separate entity with over 110,000 users across the globe.

Attendees were interested to hear our approach to building the FlowForma product concept, what advice/support/funding we made use of and especially to hear what we learned along the way. We've created a short case study summing up the following:

  • Ergo's focus on building IP

  • How the FlowForma concept was born

  • My approach and learnings as CEO of FlowForma

 Just click on the link below to download the case study!